Terms of use

Welcome to InfoLink Consulting website (http://www.infolink-group.com, hereinafter referred to as “this website”). Please read this terms of use agreement carefully to protect the interests of both parties. By accessing this website, you know and fully agree with these terms.

§1 Disclaimer

Information on this website is legally obtained and is based on reliable, accurate, and complete information. But absolute accuracy and completeness is not guaranteed. We assume no responsibility for anyone’s market operation or investment advice. InfoLink reserves the right to add, revise, or alter website information anytime, but information will not be guaranteed to be published all the time. 

§2 Copyright statement

The copyright of trademark, name, website layout, articles, photos, charts, etc. on this website are the properties of InfoLink. For the copyright and other proprietary statement contained in the content, users should show the respect and cite sources when sharing the article. If the website has no copyright statement, it does not mean that its contents are not protected. Users should respect the legitimate rights for use based on the principle of integrity.

§3 Share and link

This website may share articles or put subcontractor’s link on this website for the purpose of facilitating peer exchange and research. The point of view for the shared article is author’s own point of view. This website does not represent in favor or against the author’s point of view. In addition, this website does not have an obligation to review external links and does not guarantee its accuracy and completeness. For the collection of original sources, we will try to cite the author and source as much as possible. If the author or copyright owner has any opinions and do not want this website to refer or share their content, please contact us. The article will be removed immediately. 

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This website is for reference only. Users should determine the immediacy and applicability of such information themselves and have to be responsible for any transaction or investment decisions made.

If users conduct trade transactions with other manufacturers through this website, only the user and the manufacturer have a contractual relationship. This website is not involved in it. If the product or service has any flaws or disputes, users will have to contact the contractor. This website will assume no responsibility for such matters.

The making, modification, renewal, and final interpretation of this Terms of Use are the properties of InfoLink. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this Terms of Use or this website, please contact us at [email protected].

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