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Updated May 25, 2020

Denmark has recently unveiled a massive 37-billion-euro project to build two islands with wind energy. Upon completion, the project is expected to produce 12 GW of wind energy and increase Europe’s wind power capacity by 54%.

The wind turbines will be installed in Bornholm island in the Baltic Sea and a new artificial island in the North Sea. Initially, they will be able to produce 4 GW of energy and eventually increase to 12 GW once the project is completed.

Denmark’s climate minister Dan Jorgensen said that the pandemic has reinforced the government’s energy transition and climate commitments, and the energy islands will help the country reduce emission by 70% in the next decade, a target set by the Danish government’s new climate law. 

The energy island initiative, which still needs approval from the Danish parliament, will be financed through public-private partnerships, with the majority of the funding coming from private investors, added Mr. Jorgensen.

As a pioneer in the offshore industry, Denmark is home to the world’s first offshore wind farm and two of the world’s largest wind companies, Orsted and Vestas.

The energy island project echoes Orsted’s proposal of creating “the world’s first energy island” on Bornholm and establishing a 5 GW offshore wind hub that connects Denmark, Poland, Sweden and Germany. 

The energy island project comes as good news to the renewables sector, which has suffered from supply chain disruptions due to the pandemic. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the world is expected to add 167 GW of renewable capacity this year, 13% lower than 2019. This will mark the first decline in the growth rate in 20 years.

Despite a decrease in new additions, global renewable power capacity is predicted to grow by 6%. Compared with other renewable energy sectors, offshore wind has suffered the least as projects have been either partially commissioned or at an advanced stage of development. It’s expected that delays in wind projects this year will be rather minor. 

Denmark reinforces green commitment with ‘energy islands’ plan
Denmark plans to build islands with wind energy

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