Date November 01, 2021
Type Webinar
Location There will be a 15-min Q&A session at the end of the presentation by Judy Chao, and another 15-min Q&A at the end of this webinar, where the speakers will answer a few questions that have been submitted during the webinar through a chat window.

Installed offshore wind capacity in Asia surpassed Europe in 2020, sitting at 3.12 GW. As fixed foundation wind farm market in Europe became concentrated, Asia-Pacific region will overtake Europe to drive the development of global offshore wind industry. Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and Vietnam are the key developing areas, each with their own strengths, attracting developers and investors worldwide. However, various challenges lie ahead of foreign developers, as they ventured into local markets.

Great potentials in the Asia-Pacific region 

Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan set aggregately 34 GW of offshore wind capacity target for 2030, whilst Vietnam expects onshore and offshore wind to amass together 6 GW of capacity by 2030. The four countries all aim to reach net-zero by 2050. Given that, the Asia-Pacific market will see another boost after governments finish learning the ropes, and developers establish local supply networks by 2030. By then, floating wind turbine technology should be relatively mature, tapping the full potential that lies within the Asia-Pacific market. InfoLink Consulting will host a webinar titled “Net Zero Future: Solar, Wind, ESS, and Carbon Policy and Market Developments” on Nov. 18, presenting to you the roadmap of offshore wind development and inviting you to take on the next wave of progress in the Asia-Pacific offshore wind industry.  

Higher risks in emerging offshore wind markets 

With considerable potentials, fair, undeveloped wind farms, governments’ FIT rates and other supportive policies, Asian offshore wind market saw favorable internal rate of returns (IRRs), but in the meantime, graver risks.

Developing and investing offshore wind farms could be highly risky, especially in emerging markets like the Asia-Pacific region. Foreign developers failed to apply previous experiences, owing to differences in wind farm reviewing process, organizations held accountable for which, and local social networks in each country or region. In light of that, in the webinar this year, we will comb through differences among policies of each country, and thereby uncover hidden investment risks.

With our motto “Link the Value for you” in mind, InfoLink Consulting wishes to convene industry leaders, experts, manufacturers across supply chains, power station businesses, and industrial associations, to explore together the future of solar power, wind power, energy storage, and green technology roadmap.

Major takeaways 

  • Global market of solar-plus-storage: updates and prospects

  • Analysis of four offshore wind hubs in Asia Pacific

  • Carbon emission and carbon footprint calculation

  • PV supply chain analysis, technology roadmap, price forecast

Date: November 18, 2021
Time: 08:00-10:30 EST (New York) | 14:00-16:30 CET (Germany) | 21:00-23:30 CST (Beijing)

*Please note, this webinar will be in English 

Q&A Session

There will be a 15-min Q&A session at the end of the presentation by Judy Chao, and another 15-min Q&A at the end of this webinar, where the speakers will answer a few questions that have been submitted during the webinar through a chat window.
Please note that we will not have time to answer all of the questions sent in.


InfoLink webinar

JA Solar

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