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Updated June 25, 2018

Considering recent situations of the supply chain and the market, and the advancements in the large-size and thinning of mono-Si wafers in both manufacturer and customer ends, mono-Si prices in July will undergo adjustments as originally planned. Zhonghuan will continue to progress in the large-size and thinning tasks of mono-Si wafers. 

The latest price be announced as below:

Zhonghuan’s mono-Si wafer witnessed slight decline in prices. For 180μm conventional mono-Si wafers, dropping from RMB 3.62/piece to RMB 3.32/piece in China. As for 180μm low resistivity mono-Si wafers, dropping from RMB 3.67/piece to RMB 3.37/piece in China.

For 160μm conventional and low resistivity mono-Si wafers, dropping to RMB 3.18/piece and RMB 3.23/piece in China.

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