Author InfoLink
Updated December 25, 2017

2017 is coming to an end. This year’s market condition is much better than the market expectation. Not just the global PV demand reached 100GW for the first time, but also leading manufacturers witnessed significant improvement in shipment. Although half of the global demand came from the Chinese market, demand in the emerging markets grew as well.

Companies saw wider range of shipment distribution, leading to a booming global PV market. On the other hand, product efficiency still reflects an uptrend. Aside from PERC, applications like wet-etching black silicon cells, N-type, Half-Cut, MBB, and overlapped technologies have matured. We can see from the company shipment that the market share of high-efficiency products has increased rapidly in 2H17.

InfoLink came up with a top-tier module company list of 2017 based on our research of the supply chain. We made an evaluation mainly according to the company shipment, shipment ranking of high-efficiency products, market share of each companies in the top ten markets, shipment volume of the top twenty markets in the world, and company development conditions. We sum up the above information and came up with the top-tier global module company list. 

module company

  1. The evaluation is based on the information collected by InfoLink.
  2. The above list is for reference only and may not be used as guarantee information for business operation, corporate financing, product reliability, and etc.
  3. Companies in the list are all top-tier companies of 2017. It’s not a ranking.
  4. InfoLink don't publish another list of companies after second-tier.

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