Author InfoLink
Updated September 05, 2019

Poly Price

This week, foreign prices for polysilicon for multi-Si wafers increased, whereas those for other polysilicon products remained at the same level as in the previous week. Due to the current shortage of low-priced polysilicon for multi-Si wafers in China, prices in this range have climbed from the bottom; however, the market price stays at RMB 58–59/kg, still short of the RMB 60/kg.
With manufacturers about to raise polysilicon prices for multi-Si wafers and several Chinese suppliers of polysilicon for multi-Si wafers under maintenance program, polysilicon prices are expected to increase in late September. As polysilicon stock was moderate in volume and the market showed signs of recovery, polysilicon may enjoy a slightly price increase in Q4 as stock keeps shrinking.
Despite yuan depreciating against the dollar, polysilicon quotes for overseas markets improved thanks to robust domestic demand. All signs indicate that foreign quotes would rise again over the short term.

Wafer Price

This week, foreign prices for multi-Si wafers slipped by 2.5% to USD 0.236/piece, due in large part to variations in the RMB-to-USD exchange rate. In China, producers were working to bring about price increases, having raised their quoted prices by one fen or two. But the actual market price hovered in the same range as in the previous week, sitting at RMB 1.81–1.83/piece.
The low prices of mono-Si wafer declined slightly, but most high and average prices remained the same as in the previous week because the top two manufacturers (Longi, Zhonghuan Solar) did not reduce their pricing. Yet, the market saw demand for mono-Si wafers weakening a bit, so all wafer makers, except the two largest ones, lowered their prices for wafers.
The market price for cast mono was RMB 2.7–2.75/piece for the Chinese market, while that for overseas markets was USD 0.355–0.36/piece.

Cell Price

Starting September, demand for cells began to grow among module makers, who expected cell prices to rebound from substantial falls. Riding this wave of growing demand, cell makers were raising price quotes, most of which rose by RMB 0.03/W this week to RMB 0.93/W. Yet, bargaining prevailed throughout this week, keeping the market price in line with the previous level—RMB 0.9–0.91/W.
With Chinese prices hitting bottom, cell prices stayed unchanged at USD 0.12/W for overseas markets
InfoLink has been tracking the price of 158.75 mm (G1) mono PERC cells since this September. Currently, the price gap between G1 sized mono PERC cells and standard ones hovering at RMB 0.03/W.
Sales of multi-Si cells were picking up this week and staying at RMB 0.81–0.82/W.

Module Price

As China’s demand for modules was recovering longer than predicted and module makers running at high utilization saw increasing inventory, tenders at home were bid at lower prices than ever these days. Given the bids offered published this week, the market price for modules came in at RMB 1.85–1.9/W, whereas that for multi-Si modules was relatively stable, arriving at around RMB 1.7/W.
Mono PERC modules were hit by a significant price drop in China; they also suffered a further decline in foreign prices, offering at USD 0.26/W for overseas markets.

PV Glass Price

The prices for 3.2-mm coated PV glass traded this month showed varying degrees of increase but did not change much among top-tier buyers. Overall, the market saw a widened gap, with trading prices having risen to RMB 27.5–28/m2 and RMB 28.5/m2 for some manufacturers.

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