Date June 14, 2023
Amid global race to net zero and record growth in renewables driven by policy pushes and energy crisis, InfoLink Consulting releases a white paper under the banner "On the Road to Net Zero" upon the returning of Intersolar Munich 2023 to shed light on the world energy transition progress. Download: Powering a Green Future: A forecast to 2030 for solar, wind, and energy storage

Titled “Powering a Green Future: A forecast to 2030 for solar, wind, and energy storage,” the white paper takes a deep dive into solar, wind, and energy storage developments in China, the U.S., and Europe and compares the cost difference between traditional energy and renewables. The white paper also examines solar, wind, and energy storage deployment in 2022 and 2023, forecasts market potential to 2030, and whether the world can attain its goal to keep the rise in global temperature below 1.5⁰C. 

There are many factors that accelerate the growth of renewables. Firstly, countries across the globe became aware of environmental issues and the limit of conventional energy sources, which led to increased investments and support for renewable energy. Secondly, international conflict and energy crisis raise the importance of energy security and independence. Moreover, as storage technology advances and the costs of solar, onshore wind, and then energy storage reduce, renewable energy become increasingly prevalence.

Through an analysis of LCOE trends in solar, wind, and energy storage sector, the white paper explores the time when these major markets will achieve grid parity before 2030. Also, InfoLink provides an in-depth analysis of key factors impacting costs of renewables, including equipment, maintenance and operation, and procurement.

In the chapter that explores supply chain, InfoLink discusses the relationship between technology development, production costs, and supply-demand dynamics to help readers gain insights of the landscape in the industry.

As a leading renewable energy research and consulting firm, InfoLink hopes to provide a big picture of renewable energy through this white paper for businesses worldwide to spot opportunities and keep track of energy transition progress.


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