Date November 23, 2022
Time 14:00-16:45 CET (Germany) | 08:00-10:45 EST (New York) | 18:30-21:15 IST (India)
Type Webinar

The imperative to cut carbon emissions is clear, as the EU proposed the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and the U.S introduced carbon boarder tax, despite some adjustments in schedules and industries involved. In the future, more and more industries will be faced with an outlay of carbon cost when exporting products. Presently, carbon cost varies a lot by region. For example, manufacturers must pay USD 70 for carbon emissions per ton in the EU, but USD 30 in California. Such price gaps may be an unrecoverable expense for businesses. Therefore, the fundamental solution is to reduce carbon emissions. 

The PV industry works to supply renewable energy, but the carbon emissions embedded in its manufacturing process has been taken into account for several public tenders. There will be no escape for PV manufacturers to pay carbon fees. This pressure makes carbon-reduction in the PV supply chain an opportunity. Many manufacturers have launched low-carbon products, from polysilicon and wafers to cells and modules. For manufacturers, low-carbon products mitigate climatic risks, increase competitivity, and can be a bargaining chip for them to raise prices.

To help the PV industry march towards a low-carbon supply chain, InfoLink will host a webinar on Nov. 23 in collaboration with Reccessary. At this webinar, researcher Judy Chao will identify the major source of emissions in every manufacturing process, explain how different technologies and places of origin affect carbon emissions. For instance, the amount of carbon emitted by producing wafer in one country will be different from another country.

The session will offer:

  • Project analysis for manufacturers to decide their own carbon reduction priority, based on their plan of future development.
  • Tips for locating future production expansions, assessing technology investment, and strategy making that corresponds to global market trends.
InfoLink webinar




Dr. Yuan Fang-wei
Senior ESS Analyst
InfoLink Consulting赵延慧资深分析师
Dora Zhao 
Senior Solar Analyst
Derek Zhao 
Senior Solar Analyst
Amy Fang 
Senior Solar Analyst


Judy Chao 

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