Date | October 22, 2021 |
Type | Webinar |
Location | There will be a 15-min Q&A session at the end of the presentation by Judy Chao, and another 15-min Q&A at the end of this webinar, where the speakers will answer a few questions that have been submitted during the webinar through a chat window. Please note that we will not have time to answer all of the questions sent in. |
To address climate change, governments and organizations across the world have long set up goals to cut carbon emission and reach net zero by 2050, underscoring the urgency for businesses worldwide to speed up their actions to embark for a low-carbon, and eventually net-zero future.
InfoLink Consulting will hold a webinar titled “Net Zero Future: Solar, Wind, ESS, and Carbon Policy and Market Developments” on November 18, which will provide a deep dive look into the latest developments in the renewable industry.
Led by chief analyst Corrine Lin, the analyst team of InfoLink will cover key topics on solar power, offshore wind power, and energy storage, as well as carbon emission policies. The webinar will offer insights of carbon footprint and provides a sneak preview in renewable energy trends, empowering business to secure a foothold in the everchanging market and industry that have set off for a greener future.
The webinar will kick start with market potentials for solar-plus-storage. Energy storage offers solution to the intermittency of renewable energy sources. As renewable capacity expands across the globe, demand for energy storage grows robustly. The first session will analyze major energy storage markets, governmental policies and application, as well as cost per kWh assessment of solar-plus-storage system and the introduction of major businesses in the energy storage industry value chain.
The world is boosting green industry to fulfill its ambitious goals for energy transition and sustainability. Asia Pacific, a growing offshore wind energy market, is set to overtake Europe in offshore wind power by 2025. Given that, the webinar will probe into four major offshore wind markets – Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and Vietnam, compiling local policies, potentials, and development updates for further comparisons and evaluations of developing possibilities.
Ever since Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) took effect in EU countries and the U.S., the calculation of carbon emission and carbon footprint has been a must for businesses nowadays. The third session of the webinar will identify primary regulatees and industries that are subject to carbon emission policies across the world. After that, the speaker will take PV industries in South Korea and France as examples, to illustrate restrictions businesses are faced with under regulations to cut emissions and how they can leverage subsidies to thrive against the odds.
The latter part of the webinar will be focused on the PV industry, comprising analysis of updates and prospects of raw materials in the upstream, cell and module technology trends, the development of large wafers, technology roadmap for n-type cells and module encapsulating techniques, as well as price forecast for all sectors in the PV supply chain in 2022.
Major takeaways
Global market of solar-plus-storage: updates and prospects
Analysis of four offshore wind hubs in Asia Pacific
Carbon emission and carbon footprint calculation
PV supply chain analysis, technology roadmap, price forecast
With our motto “Link the Value for you” in mind, InfoLink Consulting wishes to convene industry leaders, experts, manufacturers across supply chains, power station businesses, and industrial associations, to explore together the future of solar power, wind power, energy storage, and green technology roadmap.
Date: November 18, 2021
Time: 08:00-10:30 EST (New York) | 14:00-16:30 CET (Germany) | 21:00-23:30 CST (Beijing)
*Please note, this webinar will be in English
Q&A Session
There will be a 15-min Q&A session at the end of the presentation by Judy Chao, and another 15-min Q&A at the end of this webinar, where the speakers will answer a few questions that have been submitted during the webinar through a chat window.
Please note that we will not have time to answer all of the questions sent in.