Date July 05, 2021
Type Webinar

Amid increasing penetration levels of renewable power, instability and the intermittent nature of solar and wind energy challenge the grid and frequency regulation capability. As energy storage systems provide solutions to this issue, governments across the globe have stipulated regulations on energy storage deployment; some regions have even made it mandatory. Moreover, rapidly growing EV sector is driving down costs for lithium-ion batteries, with MW grade lithium battery storage costs reaching below USD 300/kWh, making lithium battery one of the best options for energy storage systems.

Under an optimistic scenario, ESS InfoLink estimates that demand for energy storage will surpass 200 GWh by 2030, with cumulative demand exceeding 800 GWh, growing by more than 20 times compared with 2020. The bright market outlook has encouraged manufacturers, such as CATL, LG, Samsung, Sungrow, and Tesla, to expand into energy storage business.

From the perspective of grid and region, front-of-the meter storage (generation, transmission, and distribution) will account for more than 60% of the market. The U.S., the world’s largest energy storage market, and China, which is accelerating energy storage deployment, are expected to take up around 80% of the market share.

ESS InfoLink senior analyst Fang-wei Yuan will analyze the prospects for lithium battery energy storage market from different perspectives, spanning policy, price, market force, business model, supply chain, and case studies. He will then explore the business models within the ESS sector and predicts the scale of markets applying energy storage. Finally, he will offer insights into the economic benefits brought by energy storage based on analysis and estimation of case studies, providing references for companies, regional governments and countries.

InfoLink will hold a webinar on July 8 to explore trends and outlooks for solar PV and lithium-ion energy storage with industry professionals. With “Link the Value for You” as our creed, our webinar will provide in-depth insights into supply and demand, price trends, market developments, as well as technology innovations in the PV and ESS sectors.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • Review and outlook for PV supply, demand, and price trends

  • Solar technology trends

  • Li-ion energy storage market prospects and business models


Questions can be submitted during the webinar through a chat window.

Date: July 8, 2021
Time: 13:30-16:00 (Beijing), 11:00-13:30 (New Delhi), 07:30-10:30 (Berlin)


Dr Yuan Fang-wei

袁芳偉博士Dr. Yuan Fang-wei
Senior ESS analyst


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