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Updated July 27, 2020

Following Longi’s release of prices on July 24, Tongwei revised its prices for both mono- and multi-Si cells due to polysilicon shortage, and the short supply of G1-sized and M6-sized cells being experienced in Q3 is also reflected on the quotes. Multi-Si cells are now priced at RMB 0.54/W, while M2-sized mono-Si cells saw the largest price increase, sitting at RMB 0.87/W. G1- and M6-sized cells are both priced at RMB 0.89/W.

Other cell manufacturers will revise their price quotes in line with Tongwei. To module manufacturers, rising prices for cell and bill of materials would increase their costs, and given modules for the second half have been mostly signed at RMB 1.4-1.45/W and some at RMB 1.35-1.4/W or even lower, they may revise module prices, too. How much they would increase prices depend on the results of negotiation between cell and module manufacturers. 

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