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Updated April 04, 2018


Polysilicon remained strong demand and the prices increased slightly this week. The average trading price of polysilicon rose to RMB 126-133/kg for mono-Si wafer use and RMB 120-125/kg for multi-Si wafer use. Besides, overseas polysilicon price has reached US$ 14.3/kg.

In the view of the fact that the orders between some leading manufacturing have been scheduled until May, the short-term polysilicon prices are firmly expected to increase steadily.


Mono-Si wafer and multi-Si wafer have no price change this week. Due to the increase of polysilicon prices, the wafer prices are expected to reach a low point so it is difficult to see further decline.


Multi-Si cell has been in a battle of cost baseline and its prices finally rose this week. The price of multi-Si cell with efficiency over 18.6% grown to RMB 1.37-1.40/W in China and increased from US$ 0.180/W to US$ 0.182/W in the overseas market. As 0630 installation boom is coming, solar cell is also in demand in Indian market; therefore, the prices of multi-Si cell are expected to rise gradually.

Because the previous prices of mono-Si wafer decreased slightly, conventional mono-Si cell and mono-Si PERC cell have no price change this week.


The peak season of module installation is coming in China. In addition, the module demand of Indian market in Q2 this year is better than previous years. The abovementioned two factors influenced module prices holding steady recently. However, the opportunity of module price increasing is still low shortly before 0630 installation boom reaches a peak. The actual demand strength of modules will be more clearly after the Spring vacation in China.

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