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Updated April 12, 2018


With polysilicon currently trouble-free from inventory and order pressure, its prices continued to slightly increase this week. The average trading price of polysilicon rose to RMB 127-133/kg for mono-Si wafer use and RMB 121-125/kg for multi-Si wafer use. Overseas polysilicon price has reached US$ 14.5/kg.

However, wafer prices have been rather weak recently. As a result, the rising momentum of Polysilicon prices are likely to slow down in the future. The next rise could arrive with the 630 installation boom.


Mono-Si wafer had no price change this week, but a decrease in multi-Si wafer was seen  when polysilicon prices continuing rise. This shows the inventory pressure caused by high capacity and high utilization rates of multi-Si wafer have begun to affect the price. The average price reached RMB 3.55-3.65 per piece in China, and US$ 0.505-0.51 per piece in the overseas, slightly expanded the price gap between mono-Si and multi-Si wafers to reach RMB 0.87 per piece in China, and US$ 0.112 per piece in the overseas.


Conventional mono-Si and mono-Si PERC cells did not see change in prices this week. Conventional mono-Si stayed at RMB 1.43-1.45/W, and mono-Si PERC cells mostly came to RMB 1.55/W. 

For multi-Si cells, prices stopped rising this week due to the price decrease in multi-Si wafer, and the fact that the demand for 630 had not emerged. In addition, the prices generally remained at the same levels as the previous week, but the market does not give optimistic predictions for May and June, as this year’s 630 installation rush is seen as conservative.


Impressive demands were seen in overseas markets like India, Europe, and Australia, as well as China itself. However, China still saw a slight decrease in module prices due to the decline in China’s domestic winning electricity price, and the module prices of bidding winners so far all seem unpromising. Multi-Si modules came to RMB 2.5/W, especially 270W modules which currently oversupplied, falling into RMB 2.4-2.5/W. Mono-Si modules and mono-Si PERC modules also decreased in prices. Module prices will continue to slightly go down towards the end of this year, applying prices pressure on each segments among the supply chain.

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